


为了应对与大流行相关的学习损失,美国.S. Department of 教育 (ED) in March 2021 called on state education agencies (SEAs) and school districts to deliver high-quality K-12 summer learning programs on a large scale. Although summer programming has traditionally been conceived at the local level, SEAs now have a role in influencing summer plans through the American Rescue Plan (ARP). ARP provided SEAs with funding needed to contribute to a nationwide rollout of summer programming at a time of intense academic and social emotional need for students.

各州是如何应对这一挑战的 全国暑期学习行动呼吁:各州如何回应? (PDF), the second of three planned reports released by 趣赢平台’s National Summer Learning and Enrichment Study (NSLES), 由华莱士基金会资助. This report is based on an analysis of ARP spending plans submitted by the 50 states and Washington, DC, and on interviews with education leaders on the frontlines of this effort. 它描述了sea如何:

  • Navigated the task of creating and implementing high-caliber summer learning programs in a short time span
  • 受影响的地区规划
  • 制定战略,加强他们在继续这些方案中的作用

This report also dives into how states met multiple challenges and offers education leaders a framework for shaping summer learning programs in the future.


Most SEAs established a vision for summer learning and enrichment programs in their states, 然后使用了四种政策杠杆来塑造它的实施方式. 其中包括如何将资金分配给学区, 伙伴组织是否以及如何参与, 程序应该如何设计, 以及如何评估它们. 报告中描述了各州如何使用这些杠杆.


实施暑期学习计划并非没有挑战. 时间框架令人望而生畏, as some SEAs had only 8 weeks to plan a statewide approach for the summer of 2021. 人手不足是满足项目需求的另一个障碍, 对一些州来说,吸引合作伙伴是一项艰巨的任务. Especially difficult was the challenge of having to conquer the long-held perception that summer learning was a punitive measure.


“One significant lesson we learned is that SEAs can play a key role in summer learning,约翰·希区柯克说, 博士学位, a 趣赢平台 Associate Director for 教育 Studies who served as Principal Investigator on NSLES. “Most SEAs demonstrated that when called to address a national learning challenge, they could quickly assume their new role and responsibilities and contribute to robust summer learning plans.”

艾莉森·克林·戴维斯, 博士学位, 韦斯特大学教育研究副校长, 谁担任NSLES的项目总监, 解释说,尽管2021年各州的这一角色是全新的, many took the opportunity to set a vision for summer learning that was informed by student needs and community input.  Consistent access to summer learning opportunities was a common emphasis, as was the integration of social emotional learning after a period of pandemic-induced isolation for both students and teachers.   


“在我们的全国调查中, district leaders across the country told us their programs were successful and met the needs of their students, but additional research is needed to back up these claims” says Hitchcock. “

Crean Davis emphasizes that summer learning impacts are greatest when students attend 5- to 6-week programs that combine at least 3 hours of daily academics with “camp-like” enrichment opportunities, 比如艺术活动, 体育, 或者户外探险. Better understanding the link between high-quality summer programming and student benefits in this post-pandemic moment needs to be a priority for the future.”


“暑期学习应该是教育的主要内容,格林·戴维斯说, “especially for vulnerable students who can benefit most from additional learning and enrichment opportunities. 但随着ARP基金逐渐减少, 重要的是,各州要确定哪些措施有效, 谁受益最大?, 以及他们如何保持这种势头. 这可能意味着以新的方式利用合作伙伴, providing greater guidance and support for designing quality summer programs, and prioritizing how they can help districts staff and grow these programs?

Hitchcock adds that “we need to think about summer as a time where opportunities to enrich student learning are an important part of education and give students the chance to stretch their minds, 探索职业道路, 享受没有考试压力的新体验.”

韦斯特关于NSLES的第一份报告, National Call to Action for Summer Learning: How Did School Districts Respond? (PDF), 出版于2022年12月, 关注地区在建立暑期学习计划中的角色. 第三份报告将于2023年底发布, 全国暑期学习行动呼吁,最终报告,将介绍整个研究的结果.



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